Building A Dyslexia Parent Group

Course 4 - The Parent Group

..if you want to do something about poverty or the number of people who are homeless or the number of people in our prisons, teach every child to read. We know how to do it, we just aren’t doing it and it’s time for parents to demand that this be taught to every child.
— Cameron James, Dyslexia Advocate - taken from documentary 'Our Dyslexic Children'

Wherever I have seen parents become active, that’s where change has happened. You rarely see districts reinvent themselves without parents being a catalyst for that.
— Michael Bucey, President of BV-KID - taken from documentary 'Our Dyslexic Children'



  • Benefits of forming a parent group 

  • Laying the groundwork for potential outcomes

  • Strategies for building membership 

  • Resources for parent groups

  • Strategies for developing a positive image in your community and district

  • Best practices and logistics for forming a parent group

Banding Together Is The Key

We are equipping you with the tools to start a grassroots organization to bring about a lasting systemic change to the way your district teaches reading. This will not only help children with dyslexia, but will benefit all children in the school district. Most colleges of education don’t teach about dyslexia or the Science of Reading. Don’t believe your district is looking out for your children.They may not know about the science, or worse, they could be misdirected by financial concerns. There’s a certain process of grief (Elizabeth Kübler-Ross’s, Five Stages of Grief ) that you may experience as you realize you can’t trust your district. This is natural and expected, but it’s best to move forward to help your child. We are with you in this journey, in our hearts and in spirit!

Featured Guest Speakers:

Mindy Patrick, Carole Dorn-Bell, Gayle Beam, Michael Bucey and Brett Tingley.